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2009 Team on The Diama/NW Route

In 2009 a bigger international team lead by an Austrian will attempt the same or a similar route....

16.06.2009 14:57

Our Friends off to Hunza Peak in Pakistan

We wish Harry, Klaus and Jakob best of luck with their attempt of a first ascent on Hunza Peak!

17.08.2008 23:55

Iranian Expedition - One lost

Saman Nemati got lost on summit day

25.07.2008 22:28


Support team

16.07.2008 01:43 Age: 16 yrs
By: Clara

This expedition would not have been so successful without the help of our Pakistani support team.

Egaz, Musa, Rahamed, Clara, Markus, Shams, Arif

Karim and Markus

Shams, Arif, Rahamed in 5100m camp

Egaz in basecamp

Karim Hayat from Mountain Expert Pakistan (www.mountainsexpert.com.pk) organised a fantastic support team. Musa Karim our guide coordinated professionally the journey to the basecamp and took care of all our needs at the basecamp. Arif and Shams helped us as high-porters and carried numberous loads up to 5100m camp. During our summit attempt they waited in 5700m camp ready to support us after coming back down in case there was an emergency. And last but most importantly Rahamed and Egaz, cook and assistant cook, who put every effort into creating various superb meals and even cake (!) in the basecamp.

A big thank you to all of them for their excellent service and belief in our expedition.