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2009 Team on The Diama/NW Route

In 2009 a bigger international team lead by an Austrian will attempt the same or a similar route....

16.06.2009 14:57

Our Friends off to Hunza Peak in Pakistan

We wish Harry, Klaus and Jakob best of luck with their attempt of a first ascent on Hunza Peak!

17.08.2008 23:55

Iranian Expedition - One lost

Saman Nemati got lost on summit day

25.07.2008 22:28


On the way up again: ABC

01.07.2008 22:52 Age: 17 yrs
By: Tommy

The probably final ascent is started. Some new pictured have been sent by satellite connection from the ABC.

After some nice time in the BC with a party (DAV Summit Club and Amical are going to leave after successful climbs), the probably final ascent is started. The climbers are back in ABC already. Computer and satellite phone connection are working again, so some new pictures have been sent.

The glacier has changed a lot compared to the first ascent. The tents at 5.100 m have been found on 1 m snow columns, clearly indicating that about this amount of snow and ice has disappeared from the glacier surface, but not at the area shaded from the tents.